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tlug: Applixware and distros

I've badly fouled up the installation on my laptop by being seriously
careless in library upgrades.  The experience, though, has driven home
an interesting lesson.

My error was to swap in X11 libs piecemeal that were incompatible with the
base system.  X basically stopped working until everything related to X
was brought up to the same version and development stream.

But although X works, the Applixware binary, distributed with TL 3.0, 
won't load the new version of  "ldd applix" shows that
it is found, but it won't load.

Needless to say, I'm not very happy about this.  Is it correct that a
TL 3.0-compatible Applixware will not run under TL 4.0?

Frank G Bennett, Jr         @@
Faculty of Law, Nagoya Univ () email:
Tel: +81[(0)52]789-2239     () WWW:

Next Technical Meeting: TBA, January, 2000.  Place: Temple Univ.

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