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Re: tlug: The wu-ftpd daemon

You(Dennis McMurchy) wrote:
>   I'm just wondering where on earth I turn off the annoying and
> inappropriate messages that wu-ftpd (standard RH6.0 installation)
> insists on displaying when a user logs in:
> Password:
> 230-Please read the file README.StarOffice
> 230-  it was last modified on Sun Jul  5 03:29:31 1998 - 482 days ago
>   I've tried specifying a startup message file in the linuxconf tool,
> and that was successful in displaying the message I want, but I still
> get all the above crap.  What's the secret?

man ftpaccess

Search for "readme." That's the directive that enables all those
annoying error messages. Then you'll have to find out where the
ftpaccess file is (probably in /etc) and delete the appropriate lines. 

Shimpei Yamashita   $B;32>
perl -w -e '$_="not a perl hacker\n";$q=qq;(.);x9;$qq=qq;345123h896789,;;$s=
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