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Re: tlug: Japanese versions of software

Eric Standlee writes:
 > I am coming up against a missing library in the rpm -Uv for freetype and
 > its tools:
 > freetype-1.2-2.i386.rpm
 > error: failed dependencies:
 > is needed by freetype-1.2-2
 > freetype-tools-1.2-2.i386.rpm
 > error: failed dependencies:
 > is needed by freetype-tools-1.2-2
 > rhs-printfilters-1.46jp-3.i386.rpm
 > error: failed dependencies:
 > is needed by rhs-printfilters-1.46jp-3
 > 	rhs-printfilters >= 1.50 is needed by printtool-3.40-3

Hi, Eric--

You and I seem to be having a lot of the same problems these days. I
just ran into the libwcsmbs dependency while trying to install
VFlib. I found there's a libwcsmbs package in the redhat-jp
distribution. You may want to install the wcsmbs-locale package, too.

Now, does anybody know what package provides 'DynalabFont'? VFlib
needs that, too. I went ahead and installed it with --nodeps, but I'm
not comfortable with that, being rather finicky about font stuff.

Matt Gushee
Portland, Maine, USA
Next Technical Meeting: October 9 (Sat), 13:30   place: Temple Univ.
* Linux Internationalisation Initiative (Li18nux) speaker: Akio Kido
* Japanese TrueType Fonts                     speaker: Adrian Havill
Next Technical Meeting: November 13 (Sat), 13:30 place: Temple Univ.
* Network Security                               speaker: Steve Baur
Next Nomikai:  December 17 (Fri), 19:00 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
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