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Re: tlug: easy ISDN setup tool for RedHat?

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Ulrike Schmidt wrote:

> I was told that for Turbolinux there exists a convenient program for
> getting ones machine connected to the internet via ISDN, and that there
> is a chance that something like this exist for RedHat as well. Does it
> exist? And what is it's name?

well, I don't have one specifically for ISDN, but ... if you know how your
ISDN's init strings work, you can probably use TL's turbonetcfg under
Redhat.  The shared libraries are pretty much the same between TL and RH,
but you might want to just get my .src.rpm and do a 'rpm --rebuild' on it
on your system, anyway.

Scott M. Stone <>
Head of TurboLinux English / Systems Administrator
Pacific HiTech, Inc. (

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