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re: tlug: Canna with Emacs 20.2 on RH 5.0?

Sorry for the premature emission.

>>>>> "Irene" == Irene Langner <> writes:

    >> Seriously, what do you need the upgrade for?

    Irene> Originally I wanted to upgrade and stick to FSF emacs for
    Irene> local guru compatibility reasons, but now I think I'll try
    Irene> at least how far we could get with Xemacs.

Ah, this is a very good reason if the guru knows Mule; the Mules are
rather different (not surprising considering that Mules are sterile
and can't reproduce themselves ;-).

Other aspects of XEmacs 20.4 are very similar however; XEmacs tries to 
track Emacs as much as possible on the internals, unless there is a
philosophical conflict (as there is with Mule).  You may enjoy the
additional features of XEmacs once you get used to them (images and

    Irene> I have the TL 3.0 Jap. CDs, so I queried
    Irene> xemacs-20.4-4TL.i386.rpm for possible needs and conflicts.
    Irene> It sais it misses, and
    Irene>  RH 5.0 is a bit old, I guess.

Yes.  All of those libraries are necessary; in fact some older
versions of each of the libraries in question have bugs that manifest
themselves in XEmacs.

    Irene> libjpeg-6b-6TL.i386.rpm from TL 3.0 has,
    Irene> and libpng-1.0.2-1TL.i386.rpm has  (hope
    Irene> that would be o.k.), but several files from libjpeg-6b-6TL
    Irene> will conflict with older files from libjpeg-6a-1, similar
    Irene> with libpng-1.0.2-1TL.

Those are all OK.

    Irene> Would it be safe to uninstall the older packages and try
    Irene> the new ones instead?


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