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Re: tlug: tlug SF bay area representative site visit

> The only night I can 100% commit to is Sunday, 1/24 (in Akasaka,
> jetlagged, but what the hey).

Hey!  I'm up for that... :D  I'll be tired as hell... I somehow let my
friends talk me into playing badminton early in the morning... we'll see
how that goes... I'll probably need a few beers to ease my aching
muscles at that time... :D

> Otherwise, I'll try my best, but I might be travelling.  If nothing else,
> I'll hand off a six pack to someone on Sunday with my compliments (I
> think I still owe Tim Meggs sen-en from from the last meeting I
> attended, so I hope he shows :-).
> Oh -- btw, after an an abortive attempt to try and make me an exchange
> user, my new company just gave me a pop box -- so my laptop is back to
> being 99.44% linux (I still receive the occasional powerpoint
> presentation or excel spreadsheet).

he he he... that's cool... but what can you do?  we live in a M$
world... soon it shall change... :D  just out of curiousity, I highly
doubt that Mac-OS-X will make as big as an impact as Linux makes on
WinNT, but has anyone taken a look at it yet?  I'll soon be working for
a company of which one of their main products will be networking
products for the Macintosh platform, and would be curious to see what
anyone thinks of this server OS vs. NT or Linux...


Michael Chiu
Kanematsu Semiconductor Corporation
ICQ: 5850128
Next Technical Meeting: February 13 (Sat), 12:30 place: Temple Univ.
** presentation: XEmacs, by Steven Baur and Martin Buchholz
Next Nomikai: March 19 (Fri), 19:30   Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
more info:                     Sponsor: PHT

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