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Re: tlug: PJE

Thanks for the help Stephen.  I hope to also hear from this Rob Bickel


From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
Subject: tlug: PJE

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric S Standlee <> writes:

    Eric> I am considering what to install from PJE and needed some help.

Hopefully Rob Bickel will show up shortly with an authoritative
answer, but the short answer IIRC is 


PJE, that is.  PJE is not very fine-grained, and assumes you want a
mostly Japanese environment.

If you have an RPM-based system as I seem to recall, you should go
visit, find the turbolinuxj/3.0 directory, dive
into the RPMS and pick up

a2ps (if it has a JP somehwere in the version) -- converts text to
ghostscript (with JP) -- converts Postscript to whatever your printer
ghostscript-fonts -- something that looks like it has Japanese in it;
     you may need to look for vflib
gv -- you don't need a Japanized one
Mule -- either (FSF) Emacs or XEmacs (see .sig for my recommendation :-)
=OR= jvi -- (in some variation, there's jvim at least) but I'll never
     talk to you again :-(
kcc _and_ nkf -- kanji code converters; they're small take two.
     (because scriptwriters have their preferences and these are
     decidedly not option-compatible)

That will get you printing and most everything else you might want to
do in Japanese.  The main exception is TeX, for which you need pTeX
and pLaTeX and a new 1GB hard drive or so.

- -- 
University of Tsukuba                Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences       Tel/fax: +81 (298) 53-5091
What are those two straight lines for?  "XEmacs rules."

Eric S. Standlee
Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, Japan <default>

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