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tlug: Fwd: Contest from RH

Got this message from RedHat.

Any volunteer to collect entries and prepare a list
for TLUG to participate in this contest?

> Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 11:26:00 -0500
> From: Emily Forster <>
> Subject: Contest from RH
> ------- Blind-Carbon-Copy
> So you belong to a user group.  Maybe you even run one.  And you use Linux 
> like a fiend.  But what about at work?  When you step out into the big, bad 
> world, are you still a loyal Linux user?
> For those of you who use Linux as more than just a bedroom OS, it's time to 
> brag.  Let us know the following info for any member in your user group th
> has Linux running at work:
> Brilliant employee's name:
> Company's name:
> Company's location:
> Company's URL:
> Description of company (no more than 50 words please):
> Send this info in ONE EMAIL to  The user group that 
> sends the list with the most companies using Linux will win a reward for y
> loyalty. Good luck and keep your eye on Red Hat Linux, because you never k
> when opportunity will strike.
> ------- End of Blind-Carbon-Copy
Next Nomikai: 14 January 1999, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
*** it will will be Jan 14 (Thu), as Jan 15 (Fri) is a natl holiday
Next Technical Meeting: 13 February, 12:30               Place: TBD
more info:                     Sponsor: PHT

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