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Re: CATV ISP (was Re: tlug: Firewall machine - how fast for ethernet speeds)

Thanks for the information.

>Back to CATV: they have some Cisco machinery connecting their network
>to IIJ. CATV's network is already inside a firewall and they run their
>own IP address space. It means you won't be able to use some services,
>on-line games in particular :-( 
>PCs connected to the cable modem get their IP addresses by DHCP.

Does this mean you don't get a static IP address? So you couldn't run your
own web server?

What will happen if you leave the machine on permanently - it gives you an
IP address when you start up the machine, so will it try to change this IP
address at some later time?

BTW, cable companies could switch to some kind of metering system (pay by
the amount of bandwidth you use) once they have enough customers. Is there
anything in the contract to allow/prevent this I wonder.


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