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tlug: Sony VAIO & apm

I have TL-j 2.0 installed on a Sony VAIO with an APM kernel.
Everything has been working well enough, except that the machine
has not wanted to hibernate to disk.

I have assumed that this was because the machine has been kind to
me; when I installed Linux, I used the entire disk, instead of
(as was necessary with a Libretto I used before this machine)
leaving empty space equivalent to available memory at the tail
end of the disk.  Hibernation (on the Libretto, at least) dumps
the content to memory into this space.  The Libretto happily
corrupted the filesystem when I tried formatting for the whole
disk.  I thought that the Sony was peeking into the partition
table, and foregoing hibernation when it saw I had a partition
that extended into its intended dumping ground.

So yesterday I spent some time doing a clean backup of the
machine, repartitioning the disk, and restoring everything.  But
the machine still will not hibernate.  Further, I find that no
matter what I set in the BIOS, the machine blanks the screen and
goes into "idle" and "suspend" mode (disk and screen down,
processor into hibernation, memory kept alive off of an auxiliary
battery) after about one minute.  Even if I set "idle" and
"suspend" to be OFF, and hibernation for "5 MIN", I get idle and
suspend treatment after one minute, and no hibernation.

This is a real pain.  Does anyone have any idea what might be
wrong here?  The VAIO concerned is model number 731, if that's of
any use.  The BIOS screen claims to be working on PhoenixBIOS.

Frank G Bennett, Jr         @@
Faculty of Law, Nagoya Univ () email:
Tel: +81[(0)52]789-2239     () WWW:
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