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Re: tlug: NE2000 PCI

Yes, that is correct.  I use a couple of NE2000 PCI cards as well, and
both will only work with the ISA driver.  It is odd, I guess that we just
have really cheap cards.  I think that the NE PCI drivers are for a more
complex type of NE nic card.  Ideas?

	Davin Sneed

On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Rafael Coninck Teigao wrote:

> y0!
>     Hey folks, I've just compiled my kernel 2.0.35 (got there by
> patches) and an strange thing happened: I compiled it for my NE2000 PCI
> board, and on boot it goes OK, but I can't reach the net by this board
> anymore, but by ISA (as it was before) I could! What's up?!
> []'s
>     RCT
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Next Nomikai: 20 November, 19:30   Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
> Next Technical Meeting: 12 December, 12:30 HSBC Securities Office
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> more info: Sponsors: PHT, HSBC Securities

Next Nomikai: 20 November, 19:30   Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next Technical Meeting: 12 December, 12:30 HSBC Securities Office
more info: Sponsors: PHT, HSBC Securities

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