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tlug: The Bright Side of The Source

On 22-Oct-98 Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> But is it necessary to try to drive a wedge between those of us who
> cherish Linux because we've grown with it (and are maybe a little
> fanatically possessive about it), and those who can benefit from our
> experience (and there aren't too many with the skills who haven't been
> shaped by the Bright Side of the Source---where else are non-hackers
> going to get the advice)?

I can almost hear Eric Raymond (in lieu of Eric Idle) singing this one
out in the desert: 

Always look on the bright side of the source...

Perhaps RMS would provide backing whistles too!  :-)

David Riley
Hachinohe Institute of Technology
88-1, Myo, Ohbiraki Hachinohe-shi, Aomori-ken 031-8501 JAPAN
He missed an invaluable opportunity to hold his tongue.
                -- Andrew Lang

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