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tlug: CODA distributed filesystem

Posted a note a couple of days ago about the CODA distributed
filesystem, a follow-on from the AFS project at Carnegie Mellon.
I've since fetched a set of RPMs (they have both source and
binary RPMs available), and discovered that the binaries for the
client would not run because of library mismatches.

I then fetched the source, and after a little tinkering I seem to
have gotten the client up and running: boy, this is really NEAT.

I have written up a set of notes on installation, which I will
happily send to anyone who wants them.

Perhaps TLUG wants CODA filespace for the server and all of its
members?  No more uploads, communal backup ... so many
_possibilities_.  :) As I think I mentioned in the last posting
on this, CODA supports disconnection, so your laptop can be part
of a distributed FS as well.

Frank G Bennett, Jr         @@
Faculty of Law, Nagoya Univ () email:
Tel: +81[(0)52]789-2239     () WWW:
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Next Nomikai: 20 November, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
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