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tlug: Mailer preference

>>>>> "mc" == Michael Casinghino <> writes:

    mc> these nice justified paragraphs like this:

    Sensei> It's really nice to have the included text in a formatted
    Sensei> paragraph like this.  It is very clear who wrote the text
    Sensei> *and* which part of the message is included.

    mc> Which MUA is Mr. Turnbull using to do this, or is it some
    mc> do-it-yo-sef elisp code?
Oh, this is _much_ better than an MUA, this is Supercite.  Why is it
better?  Because Supercite works with most Emacs MUAs.  For XEmacs
20.4 and above:  get<ver>-pkg.tar.gz

and unzip it somewhere appropriate (~/.xemacs/ will do).  If you have
xemacs 20.3, that will work but you may need some extra configuration
(most likely just adding `(load "~/.xemacs/lisp/sc/auto-autoloads.elc")'
will be sufficient).  Other versions of Emacs and XEmacs, you'll have
to read the stuff.  You need to add some hooks to .emacs:

(load-file (expand-file-name "~/.sc"))	; initialize Supercite

and here's my ~/.sc:

;;; -*-mode: Emacs-Lisp; fill-column: 75; comment-column: 40; -*-
(message "Loading ~/.sc...")
;(sit-for 2) ; if you really want to know where the init process is ...

;;; Supercite preferences
(setq sc-cite-region-limit nil)
(setq sc-electric-references-p t)
;; These probably don't work right under XEmacs in that \\cj is a
;; regexp matching a Japanese character, but is not implemented in
;; XEmacs Mule.  Doesn't hurt, though.
(setq sc-citation-root-regexp "\\([-._a-zA-Z0-9]\\|\\cj\\)*")
(setq sc-citation-nonnested-root-regexp "\\([-._a-zA-Z0-9]\\|\\cj\\)+")

;;; For BBDB
; As recommended by BBDB
(setq sc-preferred-attribution-list
      '("sc-lastchoice" "x-attribution" "sc-consult"
	"initials" "firstname" "lastname"))

; SC default is nil
(setq sc-attrib-selection-list 
	 ((".*" . (bbdb/sc-consult-attr
		   (sc-mail-field "sc-from-address")))))))

; Same as SC default except for the empty-line entry
(setq sc-mail-glom-frame
      '((begin (setq sc-mail-headers-start (point)))
	("^x-attribution:[ ]+.*$" (sc-mail-fetch-field t) nil t)
	("^\\S +:.*$" (sc-mail-fetch-field) nil t)
	("^$" (progn (bbdb/sc-default)
		     (list 'abort '(step . 0))))
	("^[ \t]+" (sc-mail-append-field))
	(sc-mail-warn-if-non-rfc822-p (sc-mail-error-in-mail-field))
	(end (setq sc-mail-headers-end (point)))))

;;; Supercite initialization
(autoload 'sc-cite-original     "supercite" "Supercite 3.1" t)
(autoload 'sc-submit-bug-report "supercite" "Supercite 3.1" t)
(add-hook 'mail-citation-hook 'sc-cite-original)

;; John Little kludge
(setq sc-citation-delimiter-regexp "[>%|]+")
(setq news-reply-header-hook nil)

(message "Loading ~/.sc...done.")
;(sit-for 2) ; if you really want to know where the init process is ...
; End of ~/.sc

Two other suggested packages are `fill-adapt' and `bbdb'.  fill-adapt
is quite smart about recognizing quotations and reformatting
paragraphs appropriately ... makes properly eliding them almost
painless.  I'm not sure where that lives, probably in
textutils-<ver>-pkg.tar.gz at the above URL.  BBDB is Jamie Zawinski's 
Big Brother DataBase, which automagically scarfs information from
message headers (both email and netnews) such as email address.

Supercite and filladapt are standard packages, available at any ELisp
archive, they may even already be included in your distribution.  BBDB 
is separately maintained and becoming more popular, but the package
at was updated "ototoi" (really), so should be the
latest and greatest.

By the way, my MUA is VM, by Kyle Jones.

University of Tsukuba                Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences        Tel/fax: +1 (298) 53-5091
What are those two straight lines for?  "XEmacs rules."
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