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tlug: How To tell?

Not exactly linux, but it will be...

I still ahve a sparc I got from the raffle a while back sitting around
gathering dust.  Recently I picked up a bunch of 30pin sims for free,
but I don't know if they are parity or not.  How do I tell?

On a COMLETLEY non-linux related note, I am required to use
NT/Microsloth on my notebook.  I'm doing well with changine the
interface to things I can deal with (xmous, the CygWin tookit,
ActiveState Perl etc)

But any expertise in getting Japanese capability running on a NT
English would be much appreciated.  (Re-installing the J version is not
an option)


The Past Wasn't    | 
The Present Isn't  | This space unintentionally left blank.
The Future Won't   |
 Scott H.  
Next Meeting: 10 October, 12:30 Tokyo Station Yaesu central gate
Next Nomikai: 20 November, 19:30  Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
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