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Re: tlug: NetWinder Fan?

On Fri, Sep 25, 1998 at 06:44:17PM +0900, Andrew S. Howell wrote:
> >>>>> "Jim" == Jim Tittsler <> writes:
>     Jim>   The only real negative is that the box has a VERY noisy
>     Jim> small fan to keep it cool.  It is not suited for living room
> 1.2. Man that fan is LOUD!
> The fan cycles between two speeds, and can be quite loud at its higher
> speed. The command:
>  set_therm 50 
> sets the temperature at which the fan switches to high speed to 50
> Is it still too load having done that?

The fan isn't too bad in the lower speed (and in fact in the newest revision
of the machine, it can even be shut off... which might be feasible in a
diskless machine).  Unfortunately my machine (and those of several others on
the (very active) mailing lists) seems to get flakey[*] as it warms up so I've
been setting the fan to high speed at 45 deg C, which means it runs in high
speed almost constantly.  Some folks have gone after the back panel with a
nibbling tool...

[*] Intel currently only rates the SA-110 at 233MHz, so to run it at 275,
Corel is already overclocking it.  Also, the 100Mbit Ethernet transceiver is
reportedly responsible for 1W of dissipation, even when that link is not
active. The next hardware revision will allow shutting it off when not in
use.  Just too much heat in a small box with a very small fan.

Jim Tittsler, Tokyo   ICQ: 5981586

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