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Re: tlug: Re: ping

On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, Andrew S. Howell wrote:

> >>>>> "Jim" == Jim Schweizer <> writes:
>     Jim> ps Has anyone tried the new Netscrape 4.5beta? Worth a
>     Jim> download??
> I'm using it now under Solaris. Seems ok. My use of netscape in
> general is with a fairly limited set of features. The thing I do like
> is that Bookmarks function allows you to save a bookmark to a
> folder. That is, instead of just "Add Bookmark", there is also a "File
> Bookmark".

You probably won't like Netscape as well for throwing that in after I tell
you it's been in the Mac and Windows versions since 4.00, but they just
now got around to adding it to the Linux version in 4.06 (so I'm told; I
haven't tried 4.06 yet, since AFAIK there's no Muriyari Japanese hack
available for it yet).

A guy in our Osaka office recently resigned to take another job, and he
was using a Sparc with Solaris on it down there, one of the few (maybe
only) people in our company who had one on his desk.  I'm trying to
convince the powers that be that it's too old and slow to use as any kind
of a server (it is; it's an SS4) and that it should be sent up to Tokyo
for me to use.  I really don't think I'm going to get it, but I'm keeping
my fingers crossed :-)


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