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Re: tlug: e-Mailers [was:Mew on (X)Emacs the way to go?

( ... here we go again ... )

On Tue, 22 Sep 1998, John De Hoog wrote:

> It's just that some people seem to confuse ease of use with wimpiness,
> and difficulty with power. 

I disagree.

In most (not all, of course) cases that I've encountered, the level of
difficulty involved in getting something to work properly was directly
proportional to my cluelessness.

The more I learned about what I was trying to do, the easier it became to
do it.

I strongly disagree with oversimplifying linux tasks in an attempt to
reach a wider audience.

> In many cases where Linux et al. are difficult, the real problem is that
> no one has bothered to make them easier. That is changing, fortunately,
> but the attitude does persist, even in this group.

Do we really want to lower the bar?  Do we want to have a linux box on
every desktop?  Do we want to replace Windows as the OS that is chosen by
damned near every company on the globe?

I submit that we do NOT.

-- Chris

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