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Re: tlug: dual-pentium processors

On Tue, 11 Aug 1998, Scott Stone wrote:

> A 486 with 256 megs of ram is still slow, no matter how you look at it.
> Would you rather have a P-90 with 256 meg of RAM or a K62-333 with 128MB?
> I'll take the K62, thanks.

After a certain point, though, you're i/o bound.

I see no point to paying extra cash for anything faster than 233 MHz, as
the extra CPU speed[1] is ultimately limited by the bus speed[2].

--	Chris (

[1] Does anyone else remember the dire warnings by the EE pundits around
    86/87 about the dangers of emitting EMF in the high MHz range --
    which is why we'll never see a bus speed higher than 33 MHz? Why
    isn't that a concern anymore?

[2] Yes, I know about the 83/100 MHz bus.  How much of a performance win
    is that?  Enough to shave a couple of milliseconds off of my kernel

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