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Re: tlug: Linus Torvalds vs. Tom Cruise

On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:

> An article about free software in the August issue of the
> magazine Forbes reports that,
>   A World Wide Web search engine finds 7,192 matches for Sun
>   Microsystems' chief executive, Scott McNealy, 8,580 for
>   Oracle's Larry Ellison, 16,604 for actor Tom Cruise-and
>   20,419 for Linus Torvalds. 
> Although, this is not my type of magazine, this story is
> actually quite nice to read (it seems as if they really did
> their homework before writing the article):
> >From now on, at least all want-to-be-managers know about
> Linux ;-)

On a related note, just try and  find non-Linux driver information on
Infoseek, for example.  I was looking for an NE2000 config utility for DOS
(no flames, please), the other day, and about all I could find was Linux
stuff, until I went to directly.

Scott M. Stone <,>
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