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Re: tlug: Re: Xemacs

>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Gushee <> writes:

    Matt> Scott Stone writes:
    >> On Tue, 21 Jul 1998, Matt Gushee wrote:

    >> > Maybe once upon a time. Last time I compiled it, it took
    >> about 15 or > 20 minutes (Pentium II - 233). Just thought ya
    >> might like to know :-)
    >> maybe if you don't compile all the components and
    >> everything... it took me 2-3 hours to do everything on a
    >> Pent-II 300Mhz and on a K6-233...

    Matt> Ah. There are a lot of components, aren't there? Well, even
    Matt> if it's fast, it still takes a humongous amount of disk
    Matt> space, which I suppose is more of a headache for most folks.

Omit the compile of skk.el.  That alone accounts for about 60% of the
build time, according to Steve Baur <>.  The humongous 
disk space is about to get cut substantially as well, for personal
use.  (By omitting unused packages.)

Currently I can build and dump an XEmacs-21 executable on a P-133 in
less time than I can brew tea.  Auto-configuration takes almost as
long, as does installing, since making the mans and stuff takes a bit
of time.  Total maybe 20 minutes.  This is much faster than on any
Emacs I've built, ever.

Building the packages takes a lot of time, and worse, it takes a lot
of admin time since there is not yet a `make World' for the package
hierarchy.  However, E-lisp is portable enough across XEmacs versions
that there's little reason for anybody who is not a package maintainer 
to do that any more.

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