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RE: tlug: VAIO 505EX vs. Moebius PC-PJ1

-----Original Message-----
差出人 : Scott Stone <>

>well, 64kbps doesn't really 'blow away' 56kbps (unless you're uploading),
>but... here in Japan, the cost difference is negligible, so go with ISDN.
>In the states, it's still much cheaper to go with 56k analog.

In North America, the price difference can make 56K a worthwhile
alternative, but in terms of performance, I think ISDN does blow away 56K.
The only thing that can justify 56K is if you can save a ton of money by
using it, something you can't do in Japan.  Therefore my claim that ISDN
blows it away.  And anyway, when was the last time you saw a 56K modem that
would let you carry on a voice conversation on the same phone line at the
same time you surf the net :-)


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