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Re: tlug: Japanese encoding converters

Hi Jonathan,

Jonathan wrote:
> Does anybody know of any nice, reliable programs that will batch convert
> Japanese-encoded HTML files?  My greatest need is for converting between
> Shift-JIS and EUC.  One that works recursively and can automatically seek
> out every file in the directory structure it's aimed at would be especially
> welcome.

You may want ONE nice program to do that.  But isn't it enough for you
to do it with 'find' and 'nkf', although it may be slow?

Prepare a (C-)shell script like: 

#!/bin/csh -f

set tmp = /tmp/htmlconvert.$$

nkf -e $1 > $tmp
mv $tmp $1

and put it in your bin directory, then invoke this:

    find . -name '*.html' -exec htmlconvert {} \;

I think 'nkf' can't make output file with the same name as input
file.  If so, we should use 'nkf' via script or try to write multiple
commands between "-exec" and "\;".  I'm not sure how to do with the
latter way.

Masanori "Smiley/Smack" Omote
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