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Re: tlug: Chat with NEC Aterm IW60

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Stone <>

>On Fri, 8 May 1998 wrote:
>> # NEC TA
>> # setserial -W -b /dev/modem spd_vhi
>> # /usr/sbin/pppd connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v "" atz0 OK
ATD53617270 CONNECT' user craig /dev/modem 38400 crtscts

>You *did* uncomment the setserial and pppd lines for the
TA, right?  The
>code above shows them commented out...

Also, shouldn't the speed be set higher than 38400?  Or is
this for a 38.4 async ISDN connection?  Otherwise, I
believe the speed should be set at 115200, right?


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