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Re: tlug: Linux and MO disks

On Sat, 25 Apr 1998, Jonathan Byrne--3Web wrote:

> I'm not highly familiar with MO disks, so I'd like to ask a couple of basic
> questions on using them with Linux:
> 1) Can Linux be booted from an MO disk?
> 2) Assuming the answer to the above is "yes," would an extremely small (only
> there for the purpose of backing up and restoring the system) fit on a 230
> MB MO disk?
> 3) If we're still on a yes roll here, can the boot device also be the
> backup/restore device, or does its containing the root file system preclude
> this?
> 4) Does Linux see MO disks as just another SCSI device, or are there
> supported and unsupported models?  If there are specific models that are
> supported, can you tell me some?
> TIA,

I'll need to do some research on this.  I think we have an MO drive here
on one of the linux systems now, but I'll have to see how it works.  If
it's accessed like any other SCSI device, then I'd think that you could
boot from it, backup/restore with it, etc..

Scott M. Stone <,>
Linux Developer/Systems Administrator for Pacific HiTech, Inc.

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