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Re: tlug: Office suite for use under Linux

>>>>> Karl-Max Wagner <> writes:

    Karl-Max> What I miss in all that discussion is the Andrew
    Karl-Max> Desktop. It was developed at Carnegie Mellon a long time
    Karl-Max> ago and their secretaries apparently used it a lot. It
    Karl-Max> is built with the Xaw (Andrew) widget set.

AFAIK Xaw is the MIT Athena widget set; the Andrew library had a
different name, maybe atk for Andrew Toolkit.  Andrew also comes up in
a different context as the Andrew File System, a distributed file
system (in the sense that NFS is) which scales better than NFS to
large complicated networks.  I'm not sure why it has never caught on.
I beleive there is a Linux implementation, although it may still be
beta or even alpha.

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