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RE: nkf [was: RE: tlug: RE: cathedral and bazaar Japanese]

-----Original Message-----

7ol : Craig Oda <>

>> What does NKF do?

>It converts Japanese encoding between shiftjis, JIS, and EUC.

So it sits between the browser and the network and renders the kanji in an
encoding the browser can understand?

That whole thing with Netscrape not being able to read that page is rather
disappointing.  Apparently, "Japanese auto-detect" in the Linux version of
Communicator means something less than that in reality.  The versions of
Communicator for other platforms also have quite a few bugs, and 4.00 was a
beta test in everything but name, but the one for Linux seems especially
bad.  That's what drove me to want to try HotJava in the first place,
although I'll probably be less than thrilled with that, too.  At least on
Windows, it's not ready for prime time.

I can't wait until some people get a  hold of the Communicator source code
and produce something  nice for Linux.


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