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tlug: Kinput2, canna, kterm and locales

I'm trying to get Kinput2, canna, kterm to work under RH 5.0, but I'm
not meeting with much success. I think part of the problem is I don't
have Japanese locales installed, but I'm not sure where to get them...

I can start up canna and kinput2 ok, but when I fire up kterm, I get:

locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged
Warning: Actions not found: begin-conversion
Couldn't set locale:
Warning: Actions not found: begin-conversion
Warning: Actions not found: begin-conversion

This is with LANG set to ja_JP.eucJP. If it is set to C, then I dont
get the "locale not supported by C library". I'm guessing that the
glibc supports locales, but I missing the Japanese ones. I'm running
glibc-2.0.7-4. ( soon to be glibc-2.0.7-5 )

As for Kterm, its:
kterm: version 6.2.0

What about X's support of locales? I seem to remember that this was
how locales were supported in the past, that libc used X's locale

Thanks for your help.

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