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Re: tlug: majordomo

Hi Craig,

> Is there a simple way to allow me to password protect a majordomo
> archive file and allow web access to those with the password.
   : [snip]
> I've tried to modify the script to do a
>   chown ($uid, $guid, $filename);
> but I think that I can't change owner/group to an id that
> is not running the program.  
> I was thinking of setting password protection with .htaccess, but
> any method is fine.  To use .htaccess I think I have to set the
> group to the same group that the apache web server is runnning as.

How about making a new group which includes apache (or archive holder
user) and majordomo?  That is, to set a new gid to the archive
directory and chown to 660.  Then majordomo can write an archive file
in the archive directory and the owner of archive directory can set
.htaccess to protect archive files, I think.

Do I misunderstand your situation?

Masanori "Smiley/Smack" Omote
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