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Re: tlug: Server Name?

> >>    How about something relevant to Tokyo. Chikatetsu/Station names, river
> >>    names, district names? This would give us a bit more room to expand
> >>    than pengu. :-)
> That's good:
> 	Ginza (Ginza line was the first Chikatetsu in Tokyo)

I also like the station names idea.  I use it in my research lab
computer network.  It gives us lots of room to expand.  I vote
station names.


Robert Bickel, Lecturer
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184
Phone:     +81-423-88-7103
FAX:       +81-423-85-7204
Home:      +81-422-42-5615
Cellular:  +81-30-691-7580

In Japanese
$BEEOC!'(B        0423-88-7103
$B%U%!%C%/%9!'(B  0423-85-7204
$B<+BpEEOC!'(B    0422-42-5615
$B7HBSEEOC(B :    030-691-7580

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