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tlug: Logitech "Intella-type" mouse and Linux

I just picked up a new Logitech "Intella-type" mouse which has the wheel
in the middle which acts as a button when pressed as well.  The problem is
that I cannot seem to get it to work under X and was wondering if anyone
else has this type of mouse.  All I really want is the third button to
work.  I don't really care about the scrolly upy-downy wheely stuff - just
that when I press it, it should behave like a third button.  Anyone solved

By the way, I am using Accellerated X 3.1  Anyone using this with Ax4.1 or

The mouse says it's a model M-C48.

		Arigatou ne....

Marc Christensen	       |  Check out the linux-access pages.
SysOp CDSS University of Utah  |  linux-access - Making a difference!     |

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