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Re: tlug: E-Vote for TLUG

On Fri, 20 Feb 1998, Totoro wrote:

> Craig has mentioned several times about the difficulties in
> getting a group consensus on various issues that arise within
> TLUG. Well, this may not be the most secure way of doing it,
> but e-vote seems like it would work pretty well on the whole.
> It allows list members to poll each other, and can also work
> via the web. I think if we have a web page for member voting
> (password accessible), then it should be acceptable.

Interesting, I think I was talking to these people two years
ago about the development of these type of electronic democracy 
tools. If this is the same group, they had built a module for

Anyway, enough nostalgic thoughts.  I think that the installation
of eVote as a module to the majordomo list would pose no
burden on the membership since it is pretty transparent.  They
just vote by e-mail and the eVote wrapper to majordomo will
extract the vote and tally them for the listowner.  This is
pretty straightforward and looks like it would take a minimal
of instructions to do a vote.  

It could be a point of discussion as to whether we should 
have voting on the same list that right now is primarily
technical support. 

IMHO, the main discussion point about whether to implement
eVote or not would be how easy it was for the people doing
the polling.  It looks pretty easy if the person is familiar
with majordomo listmaster commands.  

At this stage, we would need to move the mailing list off
of TWICS in order to implement it.  However, if we get the
server up at PHT, it should be no problem. 

Anyway, just thought I would give my opinion.  

BTW, John Little's suggestion about backups should be taken
very seriously.  The TLUG list was wiped out twice in the past.
The first time, it prompted the move from metanoia to TWICS.
The second time it got wiped, we had to restore it from 
DAT backup tape.

Also, IMHO, RAID is a very very good thing.  

So, I feel that the backup policy and system should be working
before the move.



Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
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Next TLUG Meeting: 11 April 1998 Saturday, Tokyo Station
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