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Re: GTK and XIM [was Re: tlug: Netscape code going public

>>>>> "Hajime" == Hajime Saitou <> writes:

    >> funny you should mention this.  Can you comment more on GTK?

    Hajime> I wish I could. There was a long discussion on Gtk on the
    Hajime> XEmacs beta mailing list a some time ago and I remembered
    Hajime> seeing the stuff about XIM there.

The conclusion is that Gtk is not ready for prime time, ie use as a
foundation for XEmacs because
(1) There isn't Gtk for other platforms (must support more toolkits
(2) It lacks certain functionality, so Sun users will prefer Motif
    (yatk to support)
(3) There was some incompatibility with the XEmacs user interface, I
    forget the details, problems with scrollbars and the like, so
    XEmacs would have to continue to support the Lucid widget set for

ImageMagick has lots of problems, especially in efficiency terms, but
it's a much more robust product for handling images, which is one of
XEmacs's big ongoing maintenance problems (new image formats are
designed and old ones are incompatibly augmented every day, it
seems).  Gtk's widget set doesn't seem to work with XEmacs's needs.

Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
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