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tlug: Corega ethernet cards

>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Byrne <> writes:

    Jonathan> Linux box, install Red Hat 5.  Well, Red Hat doesn't
    Jonathan> have it in the list of supported cards.  Can anybody
    Jonathan> tell me what I should do to make this work?

If the card comes with software, check there and see if there's
something that looks like a linux driver or a README that tells you
where it is.

Look in the card documentation and see if it says which famous brand
it emulates.  Failing that, look for the chipset.  Many of the drivers 
have chip names (eg, "tulip" for the DEC 21x4x series).  Try that
driver.  (Sorry, I don't know what "try" means since I hand edit the
config files even when I'm forced to use RedHat, so I doubt my
procedures will be appropriate.)  You might need to look through the
source in /usr/linux/drivers/net (`grep -l "$card\|$chipset" *.[ch]'
is a reasonable place to start.

Failing that, reboot, cd /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/net.

ls *.o > drivers

Edit any non-hardware drivers out of that file (stuff like dummy, ppp,
slhc, bsd_comp, eql, etc.)

for drv in `cat drivers`; do if modprobe ${drv%.o}; then exit 0; done

watch the output.  if the machine locks up (unlikely on modern
machines but I've seen it happen even with PNP), edit all of the
failures out of `drivers' and restart.

    Jonathan> And if you say something like "compile a custom kernel,"
    Jonathan> detailed instructions on doing that would be quite
    Jonathan> appreciated :-)

RedHat probably supplies all known drivers as modules already.  You
might need to compile a driver.


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