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RE: tlug: X Windows client

>>>>> "mchiu" == mchiu  <> writes:

    >> Probably not (: TSP, S-plus, Mathematica, Maple, GAMS, SAS,
    >> maybe SPSS, GAUSS.  Mathematical manipulation or statistical
    >> analysis packages, all of them.  I said the vendors I know :-)
    >> I don't have much call to talk to OA makers (word processors
    >> and spreadsheets don't cut it in my applications) or even
    >> database or CAD types.

    mchiu> Oh come on man... gimme a little credit!!! :D it's kind of
    mchiu> discouraging when you pre-judge someone (a newbie such as
    mchiu> myself)... just asking for a bit of advice is all...

Actually, the slant I had in mind was that these are very specialized
uses and concentrated on a single area, so it's not much evidence for
broad coverage by Linux of typical users' concerns.  Most people who
use it think Mathematica is fun, but I doubt that anybody would
consider it evidence of mass-market appeal.

    >> Note that even in these applications they push the Windows and
    >> or Mac versions in the professional (econ) journals :-(
    >> Mentioning Linux or Unix would scare some unsophisticated users
    >> away.

    mchiu> hmmm.... so the sophisticated users are the Linux and Unix
    mchiu> users only?  somehow, I feel that you have a bit of a
    mchiu> superiority complex with this whole computer thing, eh? :D
    mchiu> hee hee hee...

No, you're confusing my statement with its (fuzzy) converse: that
Linux and Unix users are generally relatively sophisticated (because
the environment is not so friendly).  I have nothing but respect for
people who have to program for the Windows 3.1 environment, or port
from that to the Win32 environment.  And the twisted minds that
invented the Word macro-virus are certainly sophisticated enough, I
wish they weren't :-/

Consider the converse:  would mentioning Windows in an ad directed to
Linux users _scare_ them away?  I doubt it....

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