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Re: tlug: Linux binaries of XEmacs 20.3 and PJE English HowTo

>>>>> "Craig" == Craig Oda <> writes:

    Craig> Since I think you are the one that found and solved the bug
    Craig> for XIM, perhaps you would like to share your favorite
    Craig> configure flags on Intel architecture?

This is probably not a good idea as they sometimes make my machine
crash, although it hasn't happened yet with the release version ;-)

One warning:  on the current XEmacs 20.3 packaging, even if you
configure Wnn and Canna native (not XIM), they have been LEIM-ized.
This means that both Wnn and Canna use `C-\' as toggle-input-method by
default, and the first time you are prompted to specify `japanese-wnn'
or `japanese-canna' as the input method (this can be customized in
.emacs, but I don't bother since I'm always testing assorted IMs).
This does _not_ work this way on XIM because of the way that XIM is
implemented.  This will be fixed (maybe) in 20.4.

I think it's quite straightforward, actually.  Do `./configure --help'
before anything else.  Recommendations (not what I use ;-)---most
people on this list will want:

	--with-mule		# obviously
	--with-canna		# these 3 are compatible, but you only
	--with-wnn		#     need one
	--with-xim=xlib		# this requires kinput2 or similar

If you have or are willing to get NAS:

	--with-sound=both	# native linux sound is autodetected
				# however, in the default Debian config
				# it can only be accessed by
				# NAS is a package on Debian and probably
				# RedHat and is nice for `viewing' audio
				# clips in mail, news, or Web

Fun, but actually rather annoying:

	--with-xfs		# gives Japanese splash screen and some
				# Japanese menu items (about 1/3 currently)

    Craig> I'm a little disappointed that RedHat beat Debian to the
    Craig> glibc6 release.  RedHat 5.0 Hurricane evidently is full
    Craig> glibc6.  Debian 2.0, Hamm, is still in development.

Ain't it amazing what having a few bucks behind you does for meeting

I suspect that there are going to be a few gotchas out there for
people with non-main packages.  And of course the contrib is going to
require libc5-compat for some time to come.
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