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Re: tlug: PalmPilot

On Tue, Dec 02, 1997 at 12:33:50PM +0900, John Little wrote:
>   Is anyone using the Pilot and successfully integrating it with
>   Linux?  I'd like to know if there's a Linux version of HotSync out
>   there.

The whole "cool new technology" clique here at the California Cygnus HQ
has one (including myself :).  I will ask about the details tomorrow,
but I know at least a couple of them are writing software for their
pilot's on their Linux system.

The nice thing about syncing it with a Win95/NT system is that the
desktop application on NT/95 has the same functionality as the pilot.
So if I leave my pilot at home, I can access all the data on my 95/NT
desktop.  The Linux folks may have it so you can sync and back up your
data on a Linux system, but I think that's all you'll get under Linux.

(I think I saw a converter to go from the Pilot calendar format to
some Unix format, but I did not find out the details.)

Alex's page at  has a bunch of links
and information (look for the "PalmPilot" heading).  In fact, I see that
there is a "pilot-unix" mailing list.  Archives are over at

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