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tlug: Nov. 13 Topics?

to get things started, I thought I would bring up
some potential themes.  This is just some things
I want to talk about and is just my opinion.
What does everyone else want to talk about?

My opinion: 
Two themes  

Theme 1: Project JE and UNIX/Linux multilingualization in general
Project JE is a new effort on the old JE distribution.  New features
include simultaneous releases of .tgz Slackware based packages and
.rpm Red Hat based packages.  However, problems exist with this new
approach.  What are they?  How will the new Project JE match up
against JE, Debian-JP, and standard compilation from source?  Will
Project JE enjoy the same popularity as the JE of old?  Will
the notorious problems with lack of documentation still continue?

Also, what is the status of the Japanese on Linux book and how can
you as a genki TLUGer help this project?

Theme 2: Utilizing Sparc Hardware as an Independent Router
How to take the motherboard out of the ELC, connect the
motherboard to an independent power source, SCSI disk, and
TA, use IP masquerading and use the Linux on Sparc system as
a dial on demand router.    The idea for this theme is
motivated by my desire to do this myself.  I thought the
ELC motherboard would be perfect for this since it does not
have a fan and should be pretty quiet.

TLUG Thursday evening meeting: Nov. 13, 18:40 at Tokyo station
Starbuck's coffee.  Then move to dinner place at 19:00
info: | TLUG Saturday meeting is Dec. 13, 1997
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