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Re: tlug: Net access for visitors to Japan

Take a look at Crisscross.  They have a way that you can login using
user:guest pass:guest, and a single DNS setting.  The connection costs
about 20 Yen per min. and is billed automatically through NTT.  I don't
have the number off hand but you can check with or
Tokyo Classified to get more details.  I've never tried it so don't
consider this an endorsement.


At 02:19 �ߌ� 97/11/04 +0900, Francis Brian O'Carroll wrote:
>A friend of a friend is coming to japan. Is there anywhere that he
>can get free dialup net access so he can access his email?
>If not free, how about cheap, no registration required type access?
>Frank O'Carroll
>Next TLUG meeting is Saturday Dec. 13, 1997  (possibly Nov. 13?)
>a word from the sponsor:
>TWICS - Japan's First Public-Access Internet System
>  Tel:03-3351-5977  Fax:03-3353-6096
Next TLUG meeting is Saturday Dec. 13, 1997  (possibly Nov. 13?)
a word from the sponsor:
TWICS - Japan's First Public-Access Internet System  Tel:03-3351-5977  Fax:03-3353-6096

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