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Re: tlug: Hot Java on Sparc?

tlug note from "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
Hey, y'all.  How was the meeting?  My day was profitable, but I wish I 
coulda been there.

>>>>> "Craig" == Craig Oda <> writes:

    Craig> On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Jim Tittsler wrote:

    >> Does the Hot Java browser run on a SparcLinux machine?

    Craig> Hot Java requires the JDK or at least the run-time.  If
    Craig> there is no Java virtual machine, the Hot Java browser will
    Craig> not run.

Well, you could try Kaffe.  I wouldn't bet on it though since they
only claim 90% (but that 90% is of v1.1 VM) and I bet HotJava gives it 
a real workout.  Speaking of Kaffe, what about these claims that the
Kaffe VM is 10 times faster than Sun's on Linux (when it works)?
Anybody tried it?

    Craig> Even if you get the JDK installed, perhaps by using the Sun
    Craig> libs, there is still the problem of the 1 bit graphics.

1 bit?  Looked like grayscale to me, but I haven't used it in about a
month.  (My wife doesn't approve of computing at home when she's
pregnant, except for Minesweeper and her email; nothing that would
tempt me to mask out interrupts is acceptable.  On the other hand,
when somebody wakes me up at 4am with a craving for exotic foods, it's
not her, it's the cat.  On balance, I have a _lot_ to be thankful

    Craig> I'd be really interested if someone got Java working on 1
    Craig> bit graphics Sparc architecture.  Perhaps it is some simple
    Craig> configuration setting??? (hoping).

If appletviewer, eg, will come up without bitching about the X Visual,
then it very well could be something simple.  Minimally robust X
applications must check for the visual.

What bothers me more about HotJava is that at least with the Linux
1.1.1v1 and 1.1.1v3 JDKs it not only is a memory hog, but it ticks off 
a few more kB no matter what you do (there doesn't seem to be an
obvious way to flush the cache and so on).  Last time I ran it for
less than an hour and by the time I was done VmSize was 88 MB.  And
the docs tell you not to run it with less than 40MB free as the first
thing it does is grab about 40MB of virtual memory.

This is _not_ a cooperative application or runtime package.

Or maybe _I'm_ missing a simple configuration setting ;-}

                            Stephen J. Turnbull
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences                    Yaseppochi-Gumi
University of Tsukuba            
Tel: +81 (298) 53-5091;  Fax: 55-3849    
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