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How to crash an operating system...

  Hi all,

  Some of you will probably be interested in this info on system 
vulnerability (a posting on the Provence Linux User's Group list drew
my attention to it):

The ping o'death page : " How to crash your operating system "

  A brief excerpt follows (this is a big page):

	In a nutshell, it is possible to crash, reboot or otherwise kill
	a large number of systems by sending a ping of a certain size
	from a remote machine. This is a serious problem, mainly because
	this can be reproduced very easily, and from a remote machine.
	(During tests, my machine in London, England has been crashed
	from a machine in Berkely, California), and because the attacker
	needs to know nothing about the machine other than its IP
	address. Be afraid. Since I started this page on the 21st
	October, over 18 major operating systems have been found

  The plug-lister was able to crash a Linux 2.0.22 kernel, but not
a 2.0.26 kernel (which is apparently the most recent).

  Beautiful fall weather down here in Kyushu kundari.

Dennis McMurchy, 
Tojinmachi, Fukuoka

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