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Building a new kernel

Hi y'all,

It's been awful quiet lately - it must be time for another newbie
question:-) When is this group going to attract someone who knows less than
me about Linux???

Before Steve T. gets his dander up, I've read all the HOWTOs and even a
couple of books about building a kernel. So after all of this studying I
finally get up the nerve to try it and guess what happened - you're right,

All the docs say the same thing: after you set up the symbolic links cd
/usr/src/linux (in my case linux is sym linked to linux-1.2.13: I don't know
why the Slackware 3.0 setup routine did this, but it did when I installed
the source) and type 'make config' then start answering a lot of questions.

When I type 'make config' I get dissed with:

make: *** No rule to make target 'config'. Stop.

and before you ask, yes I have been successful compiling other programs like
diald (although I never did get xloadimage to compile:-(

One of you priests in the black robes want to tell the acolyte what's going on?

PS I saw a great sig. quote the other day:

"Don't cower before the GATES of hell - use Linux."

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