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Ted Leaves for U.S.

I just got a note from Ted saying that he is leaving for the U.S.
and his new e-mail is going to be:

He thanked everyone for the interactions he had on the list over
the past year.

The TWICS mailing list server is temporarily down today in order
to perform upgrades.  Paul also checked on our mailing list
package and evidently, majordomo 1.93 is the most recent stable
version.  I'm considering on installing hypermail to allow easy
browsing of the TLUG archives.  The last time I tried it I was
unable to get it compiled cleanly.


Say, does anyone understand what this unicode stuff is all about?
The kernel source code documentation indicates that Linux now
complies to unicode.  What exactly does this mean?  I'm curious
as to how this will affect us when Java 1.2 is released.  I'm
interested in being able to draw Japanese text to the screen.

Craig Oda	
TWICS - Japan's First Public-Access Internet System, 
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