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Re: changes to

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Schweizer <> writes:

    Jim> If I comment that out and uncomment:

    Jim> # ModeLine "1024x768i" 45 1024 1048 1208 1264 768 776 784 817
    Jim> Interlace

    Jim> do I run the risk of trashing the monitor?

Can't say unless we know your monitor and its specs, video board and
its specs.  As long as you're using entries from the database that
correspond *exactly* to your monitor and video board the risk is

Try looking at the output from "X -probeonly".  (This also can involve 
some risk.)

How much risk?  I personally have never heard of anyone blowing up a
monitor from configuring X Windows.  (I have heard a lot about fried
monitors....  My brother used to blow up monitors on a weekly
basis---but then, *he* was a monitor design engineer for DEC....  I'm
trying to be humorous, in case it's not obvious!)

                           Stephen John Turnbull
University of Tsukuba                                        Yaseppochi-Gumi
Institute of Socio-Economic Planning
Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305 JAPAN       

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