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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]re: Windows NT woes, switching to Linux
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- Subject: re: Windows NT woes, switching to Linux
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- Date: 09 Apr 96 19:48:00 EDT
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Form: Reply Text: (18 lines follow) Steve, Let me rephrase my original: "You obviously didn't know what you were doing then." to this: If you have to call MS tech. support about clone disk drive controllers, regardless of admission of guilt, multiple responses from different techs., misc. other excuses, then you very likely don't know what you're doing, or buying. Now if you knock of the name calling, and want some good resources for using good Intel CPU based equipment and Windows NT resources, I'm happy to oblige, just ask, and chill. Ted Original text: (98 lines follow) >From, on 4/8/96 3:10 PM: C'mon, old man. >>>>> Ted writes: The 1st public release trashed my hard drive---you've heard that story often enough already. You obviously didn't know what you were doing then. I've been "Mr. Transparent" is asking me to know what I'm doing when I install a transparent operating system? Ted, the AMI docs say "the AMI FastDisk responds to both the BusLogic and AHA1542 interface protocols; the Buslogic is to be preferred because it is implemented more efficiently." Windows NT offered a BusLogic driver. Should I need to know more? using NT on and off, and have developed one of the first apps for NT in Dec. 1991 shown at the SF MS Dev. Conf. (Winstock). Did you seek help from knowledgable NT support resources, or did you bitch and moan on the Linux mailing lists? Boy, I'm sure you'd get a lot of good support for NT there! ;) Ted, you're about 0 for 3 on this one now. Wanna give up while you're ahead? Fact is, MS admitted responsibility for that one. (I suppose Microsoft is not a "knowledgable NT support resource," though?) My AMI SCSI host emulates the (published) Buslogic interface. (Ironic, that, since AMI is famous for *not* documenting its cards to Linux developers!) Windows NT did *not* check for a true Buslogic card before using undocumented firmware calls. MS tech support opened by saying that it's my fault for not using a true Buslogic card, but they backed down (reluctantly, after calling a tech who told them I was right) when I pointed out that there is an established protocol for determining what kind of card is present (of course it's card-specific, but it still should be used; lots of cards, not even the same kind of peripheral, respond to certain initial probes---in case I selected 'BusLogic' from the NT setup menu when I meant to pick 'Adaptec'), and that it's just as much a problem if Buslogic changes the firmware for the "real thing". MS is just lucky that Buslogic decided to continue using the undocumented interface, or they could have destroyed a disk controlled by a real Buslogic when the firmware was revised. Heaven knows MS itself uses that strategy on people who try to clone its software. The irony of the tech support stonewall is that I knew damn well I was going to get no joy from Microsoft; there was no hardware damage, I was backed up, it was just time-consuming. All I wanted to do was report a bug (this is a good thing, no?) and blow off some steam. You can go with the low *but nonzero* error-rate that MS gives you, and hope there's someone who knows what's going on at the other end of the 0120-xxx-xxxx line on the rare occasion when something doesn't work right. Or you can go with Linux, where you can read the source. If nothing else, there will be an author's address. In 4 first contacts to authors, I have received three replies in 2 hours to 2.5 days, and the 4th reply came 2 days after the vacation program (which responded in under a minute ;-) said the guy would be back. Win some. Lose some. In my post, I just said I was going with the latter option. And why :-) What's the beef? If you don't like or can't read what my mailer sends, then erase it. No one is forcing you to try to comprehend what you cannot. I don't mind it. I just ignore it when reading, and delete it from replies. It only costs me 4--5 keystrokes. But some people get this list as a digest and have to page past it (as well as quoted material that's often many times longer than the relevant text and your reply) to get to the next message. Other people get this list via ppp and pay line charges for that stuff. Comprehend it? Why bother? It's just WYSIWYG garbage. I can read your post quite well in my console font. -- Stephen J. Turnbull Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences Yaseppochi-Gumi University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305 JAPAN Use Voluptous Font: true Previous From: Previous To: Attachment Count: infinite --$----Linux--Attachment----$ X-LNX-Content-Type: kernel binary X-LNX-Content-Typename: mail-bomb X-LNX-Content-Charset: X-Sanscrit X-LNX-Content-Filename: vmlinux X-LNX-Content-Transfer-Encoding: X-UUENCODE <NGM : auto-uudecoded attachment /don't-boot-my-ass/v...> --$----Linux--Attachment----$-- Use Proportional Font: true Previous From: Previous To: Attachment Count: 0 --$----Novell--Attachment----$ X-NVL-Content-Type: UNKNOWN X-NVL-Content-Typename: UNKNOWN X-NVL-Content-Charset: X-IBM-437 X-NVL-Content-Filename: ATTRIBS.BND X-NVL-Content-Transfer-Encoding: X-UUENCODE begin 777 ATTRIBS.BND M0F5Y;VYD(%!A8VME9"!!='1R:6)U=&5S`([]",=("@``````0F5Y;VYD(%!R M;W!R:65T87)Y($1A=&$:`````!$```````0`#0!B`P`````````````````` M````````3W)I9VEN86P@=&`````````````4`,#`+812@,"``(` M``!B``(``0`!`#,``````````@`T`(,1````````./\```````"0`0`````` M````35,<R!397)I9@``````````````````````````````./\````` M``"0`0``````````0V]U<FEE<@`````````````````````````````````` M`````0`!`#0``@`T`/=_`@!$`/=_`@!%`/=_`@!7`/=_`@!8`/=_`@"8`/=_ M`@#``/=_`@#!`/=_`@`#`?=_`@`$`?=_`@!+`?=_`@"2`?=_`@#5`?=_`@`0 M`O=_`@!7`O=_`@!B`O=_`@!C`O=_`@"H`O=_`@#N`O=_`@`T`_=_`@![`_=_ M`@"?`_=_`@"@`_=_`@#G`_=_`@`M!/=_`@!Q!/=_`@"V!/=_`@#Y!/=_`@`[ M!?=_`@!E!?=_`@!F!?=_`@"J!?=_`@#Q!?=_`@`U!O=_`@![!O=_`@#"!O=_ M`@`#!_=_`@!(!_=_`@"*!_=_`@#0!_=_`@`7"/=_`@!;"/=_`@"@"/=_`@#) M"/=_`@#*"/=_`@`1"?=_`@!5"?=_`@"8"?=_`@#:"?=_`@#;"?=_`@`?"O=_ M`@!F"O=_`@"I"O=_`@#O"O=_`@`O"_=_`@!T"_=_`@"Z"_=_`@`!#/=_`@`, M#/=_`@`-#/=_`@!6#/=_`@!G#/=_`@!H#/=_`@"L#/=_`@#P#/=_`@#Q#/=_ M`@`U#?=_`@![#?=_`@#!#?=_`@`'#O=_`@!+#O=_`@"/#O=_`@#4#O=_`@#: M#O=_`@#;#O=_`@#?#O=_`@`/#_=_`@!<#_=_`@"I#_=_`@#V#_=_`@#W#_=_ M`@`0$/=_`@!"$/=_`@!K$/=_`@"&$/=_`@"D$/=_`@"E$/=_`@#'$/=_`@#I M$/=_`@`+$?=_`@`K$?=_`@!7$?=_`@!8$?=_`@"5$?=_`@"6$?=_`@"7$?=_ M`@"W$?=_````````````````9``!I`$!2`,![`0!D`8!-`@!V`D!?`L!(`T! 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- re: Windows NT woes, switching to Linux
- From: (Stephen J. Turnbull)
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- From: (Stephen J. Turnbull)
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