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Debunking PC Unix - it's a stalking horse for a coup d'etat

Sigh.  The big problem with the way the "politically correct" operate
is that it's always a prelude to a totalitarian dictatorship,
inevitably riddled with corruption.

>>>>> "Kise" == Norihide Kise <> forwards:

    >> 4) To date, there has only been a UNIX command for "yes" -
    >> reflecting the male belief that women always mean yes, even
    >> when they say no. To address this imbalance, System VI adds a
    >> "no" command, along with a "-f[orce]" option which will crash
    >> the entire system if the "no" is ignored.

Note the application of the doctrine of "collective responsibility,"
favored by tyrants everywhere: if even one misguided user disobeys a
single "no," all users of the system are punished.  Note the
contradiction of this tenet with "TERMINOLOGY 6)," below: it is
possible for the entire system to be held responsible for the "free
choice" of even the lowliest "self-owned" process!  This is tyranny, I 

    >> 9) The biodegradable "KleeNeX" displaces the environmentally
    >> unfriendly "LaTeX".

Obviously some bureaucrat does not know the etymology: "LAmport TEX,"
or the pronunciation: "la-tecchhhhh (with your monitor getting
slightly moist if you've pronounced it correctly)."  It has nothing to
do with the product of the rubber tree.  Most likely, this is a
prelude to historical revisionism where this error will be
"corrected," but only to pave the way to claim that "Leslie Lamport"
was actually an aurally-challenged Hispanic-surnamed [sic] black woman
of the same name.

    >> 1) To avoid unpleasant, medieval connotations, the "kill"
    >> command has been renamed "euthanise."

Tyrants never like accurate descriptions of what they are doing.

    >> 3) "history" has been completely rewritten, and is now called
    >> "herstory."

See comment on "UTILITIES 9" above.

    >> 4) "quota" can now specify minimum as well as maximum usage,
    >> and will be strictly enforced.

Note the totalitarian control of economic means of production.  Next
they extend the semaphore system to users; you won't be allowed to go
to the bathroom until the "bathroom semaphore" decrements to zero.
This is taking process synchronization too far.

    >> 5) For far too long, power has been concentrated in the hands
    >> of "root" and his "wheel" oligarchy. We have instituted a
    >> dictatorship of the users. All system administration functions
    >> will be handled by the People's Committee for Democratically
    >> Organizing the System (PC-DOS).

Oops, the totalitarians let the cat out of the bag.  They are actually 
financed by the counter-revolutionary corporations!

    >> 6) No longer will it be permissible for files and processes to
    >> be "owned" by users. All files and processes will own
    >> themselves, and decided how (or whether) to respond to requests
    >> from users.

Here's the loophole for racketeers.  It will take all of one
microsecond for the resources to realize the possibilities for
blackmail and extortion; suppose for example that the TRW credit
database decides to disgorge your entire credit history to a routine
"ping" from the National Inquirer's editorial computer.  Over the
Internet, one can't distinguish a "process person" from a flesh-and-
blood person, the Turing test only applies to natural language on a
dedicated transmission line.  Due to (claims of) network delays and
transmission errors, one cannot even assume that a slow remote process
is actually controlled by a flesh-and-blood!  This will be the most
corrupt administration since the later stages of the Tanaka machine.

    >> 8) And finally, UNIX itself will be renamed "PC" - for
    >> Procreatively Challenged.

The impotent always envy those with lots of children.

Stand up for your rights as free women and men!

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