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[ (Pertti Tapio Kasanen): New wa-ei-wa dictionary for X-windows: TkJdic]

Here's the info on tkjdic. I think there is a newer version (0.9) available

------- Forwarded Message
Newsgroups: sci.lang.japan
Organization: Helsinki University of Technology, CS lab
Lines: 136
Date: 03 Mar 1994 20:55:46 GMT
From: (Pertti Tapio Kasanen)
Subject:  New wa-ei-wa dictionary for X-windows: TkJdic

I rewrote my Motif based Kdic dictionary program with pd-windowing
package called Tcl/Tk. These both programs are graphical user
interfaces to Jim Breen's EDICT dictionary files.

Kdic was released last summer. TkJdic looks about the same, but it is
easier to install, seems to be more reliable, works quite a bit faster
and does not require Motif. There are a few changes, Cut&Paste works
now as it should and entry supports Kinput2.

With TkJdic you can search for Japanese and English words, type them
in (Japanese with romaji or by Kinput2) or paste them by mouse. You
can also search kanjis by several methods, combine these and click
any kanji to get more information about it. There is a history
mechanism, so it is easy to get back to previous searches. 

You can get the source code for TkJdic from 


First you will need to install Tcl/Tk package (available from many ftp
sites) with Japanese language patches (currently tcl7.3jp* and
tk3.6jp*). If you manage to install Tcl and Tk, TkJdic should be easy
(unlike Kdic :).

Please send me mail of your experiences in installing and using the
program. This is a beta-release, several things need polishing up, but
it seems to work and I'd like to hear your opinions about it. All
comments of the usability, functions to add to the program,
improvements, test and bug reports etc. would be very helpful.

Below is the README file from the tar file. One thing I forgot to
mention there, you will also need to modify the start of the
tkjdic.tcl file to find the Japanized wish program.

- -- 
Pertti Kasanen                      Internet:
+358 0 753 3779                         Home: Vanajantie 4-6 B 5
Helsinki University of Technology             00510 Helsinki, Finland

- ---README---

TkJdic README - Version 0.8-beta

TkJdic is a combined wa-ei-wa and kanji dictionary program for
X-windows wich uses the Tcl/Tk package. In addition to this package
you will need  EDICT and KANJIDIC data files.


To compile the program, you will need X11 and Tcl/Tk with Japanese
language patches. I have used X11R5, Tcl 7.3 and Tk 3.6.1, but I
suppose any Tcl 7.* version with Japanese patches will do. 

Edit the Makefile, see the instructions at the start of the file.

Edit the start of the file tkjdic.tcl to point to the radicals.w file.
Edit the start of the file tkMain.c to point to the tkjdic.tcl file.
(Both to the same directory as the installation directory LIBPATH in

Compile the programs:

	make all


Set the KDICDIR environment variable to the directory where the edict
and kanjidic files are. (You can set a default for this dictionary in

If you have not used the xjdic program, get it and run the xjdxgen
program for edict and kanjidic files to generate the *.xjdx files.
Then generate kanji index file for kdic by:

	./kgenindex $KDICDIR/kanjidic

Install the programs:

	make install

NOTE FOR DEC ALPHA USERS (and for other 64-bit machines)

I modified the dic.c file in order to save >1 MB memory and disk
space. Search for #ifdef __alpha to see how. To use this you need to
make similar change in xjdxgen.c program (in xjdic package) and re-make
the index file for edict.


If you don't have 16 and 24 point -*-jisx0208.1983-0 fonts in your
system, change the fonts in tkjdic.tcl to some other jis fonts you
have. You can get started by putting the following line in ~/.tkjdicrc

	option add *kanjiFont k14 userDefault

If you don't have kanji fonts, those places will show as blanks. If
you get octal codes or strange characters instead of kanjis, you don't
have the Japanese language patches properly installed or you have to
set $LANG or $LOCALE environment variable, for example to ja_JP.EUC


I have used lots of ready made code. The dictionary functions are
originally from Jim Breen's xjdic program. Also romaji to kana
conversion is from Jim Breen. And most of all, thank you for those
great EDICT files.


You can freely use, copy, modify and distribute the code I have
written for any noncommercial use provided that the copyright notice
appears in the source files. 

#include <std/disclaimer.h>

- ----

Pertti Kasanen
Helsinki University of Technology

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