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InfoMagic mail order

Unfortunately, the Walnut Creek CD-ROM is proving to be a bit
lacking.  The big thing it lacks are distributions other than
Slackware and the tsx-11 and sunsite snapshots.  I just sent
in an e-mail order for both the July/August InfoMagic 
Linux Developer's Resource and the
Moo-Tiff CD-ROMs.  I used InfoMagic's PGP public key to encrypt
the order form to reduce the possibility of getting
my credit card number stolen.  I'll let everyone know how it goes.

-- Craig

     Craig Oda      12 40 82 A8 DF DD DD 30  BB 0E 26 22 E0 D8 F2 87           Public Key: finger 
     phone: +81-3-3351-5977                   fax: 81-3353-6096
     Twics / IEC Building / 1-21 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Japan
     Now accepting resumes by postal mail.  CS or engineering degree required.
     send me e-mail for additional requirements.

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