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Re: Perl 5.001m

On Sun, 16 Jul 1995, Jim Tittsler wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Jul 1995, Craig Oda wrote:
> I found it compiled easily enough once I had outlasted the Configure
> script... at least for the options I chose.

Hi, Jim,,  umm, dynamic or static modules??  Hints???

> You can get Tk-b5 from 

I'm downloading this down now.  After I get it I am going to 
compile with the dynamic modules.  Wish me luck.  On this
slug 33mhz machine, it is quite an arduous journey. 

I spent some time getting xfm1.3.2 configured.  I have not got
the trashcan working right, but a lot of other goodies like multiple
application windows, drag-n-drop file maintenance, type-icon
matching, etc. are working.  If the last time you used xfm was
at 1.2, I recommend you give 1.3.2 a try.  You have to do it
from the sources.  The Slackware installation didn't install
any of the good stuff, including the man pages. 


     Craig Oda      12 40 82 A8 DF DD DD 30  BB 0E 26 22 E0 D8 F2 87           Public Key: finger 
     phone: +81-3-3351-5977                   fax: 81-3353-6096
     Twics / IEC Building / 1-21 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Japan
     Now accepting resumes by postal mail.  CS or engineering degree required.
     send me e-mail for additional requirements.

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