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Re: [tlug] Anyone alive out here ?

On 2024年09月02日 18:49, the silly J. Hart claimed to have said:
> What's everyone working on ?

Sorry, I'm too busy being dead.

On a serious note, I use OpenBSD for the vast majority of my computers,
I love this OS very much!
Apart from that, I also have a few compile servers running NetBSD and
Alpine Linux, my virtually unlimited sized NAS is running FreeBSD, and
my gaming rig is running CRUX GNU/Linux.
My most heavily used OpenBSD laptop tripleboots with FreeDOS and Haiku,
but I barely boot into those, making the laptop technically singleboot.

Not mine, but great pro-OpenBSD propaganda that's also very true:

The reasons why I love OpenBSD so much:
* Every part is very consistent.
* It just works.
* It has sane and secure defaults.
* The community is driven by merit, so no politics anywhere.
* Memory footprint is very, very minimal.
* No reason to look up tutorials, StackOverflow questions, or anything
  else, because the FAQ and the Manpages cover literally everything.
* It's a complete OS with roots tracing all the way back to Bell Labs.
* It's developer oriented.
* Because OpenBSD is a hostile environment, it allowed me to find memory
  related problems which neither Linux nor GDB not Valgrind could.
* No Linuxisms, so if the code compiles on OpenBSD, it'll most likely
  compile on Linux as well, can't be said for the other way around as
* Unlike Linus Torvalds, Theo de Raadt continues to be himself despite
  the pressure coming from the woke outrage mobs.

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